Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bitter Berry Delight


It’s cranberry picking time in the interior.  Fortunately, we don’t have to travel far to pick our fill.   Around our property are plentiful patches of lingonberry, known as “low bush cranberries.”   I risked my life in 70 mph gusts one morning this week picking the berries. I nervously eyed the trees swinging violently above my head and thought to myself how silly it would be to die while picking such a bitter berry.  If they were sweet, juicy strawberries or raspberries, it may have been worth the risk, but lingonberries are the natural version of sour patch kids (only lacking the sugar coating on top).   So, after 30 minutes of sheer berry picking terror I retreated to the cabin to listen to the wind howl, considering myself lucky to escape in one piece. 

Sandhill cranes still continue to fly past our house, heading south
Thankfully, this weekend the winds were only blowing a mere 30 mph, quite a reprieve!  Ben and I happily picked on Saturday and Sunday until we had nearly a gallon of berries to store away for the winter.  It should be noted that my attempts during the week, in which I risked my life for a bitter fruit, did at least aid my harvesting skills.  I could pick at least 1/3 more berries than Ben during the same amount of time due to my hours of additional lingonberry experience.   Maybe picking berries in windstorms, while worrying for your own safety, enables one to adopt a superpower of lightening quick and nimble fingers.   Either way, it was a successful weekend venture.  Ma and Pa Clark will be sure to enjoy the fruits of our labor in our homemade cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! great to find your blog ~ I linked here from emily R's blog. I really enjoy your writing, em, you are so poetic! And to think that all this time I thought lingonberries came from Ikea! I am familiar with the low bush cranberry from western alaska, how neat that they grow in the interior as well. I'm going to learn a lot following your blog. We'll be so glad to get your updates from your little cabin in the woods!
    With Love,
